Living offline

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Going offline

Last week I had the idea to write a script to disable my internet for most of the week. It turned out that my script didn't function at first. I didn't use the internet anyway. The issue was that all had to be fully lowercase.

I did not use internet during the week unless I had a course to participate in. During courses, I won't access the net for other purposes. Download content you want to learn during the weekend. Tip, try yt-dlp.

Minimizing escapism is a bit of an obsession. My phone has barely any applications on it. I have almost no social media, and refuse to actively use it. Live in the now. Escapism is a constant battle, and what it is is a matter of perspective.


This is the script I am using.

# Define day and time periods for blocking
OFFTIME="--weekdays Mon,Tue,Thu"
# Wed = 3D modeling
# Fri = Drawing

# Submit rules - it does not hurt to block input as well
sudo iptables -A INPUT -p all --match time $OFFTIME  -j DROP
sudo iptables -A OUTPUT -p all --match time $OFFTIME -j DROP

# Review the rules just added
# sudo iptables -L | grep -P -A2 '.+policy.+'

# Save rules (reboot is NOT required)
sudo iptables-save | sudo tee /etc/iptables.rules >/dev/null
echo 'iptables-restore < /etc/iptables.rules' | sudo tee -a /etc/rc.local >/dev/null

# Remove all rules
# sudo iptables -F
# sudo rm /etc/iptables.rules && sudo rm /etc/rc.local

Initial findings

I feel more relaxed, well-rested and have less need to use the computer. It seems like a huge improvement and may become my New Year's resolution. Every year I try to overcome myself by setting a big resolution, but I do not only do it on New Year's.

There was more time to read Nietzsche, which I really appreciated. Being bored is great for creativity too.

It is only ideas gained from walking that have any worth.

– Friedrich Nietzsche, Twilight of the Idols

I seem to get more ideas. Nietzsche's quote is good, but I want to expand on it. Good ideas come from engaging in physical activities and when spending time away from the internet or other forms of escapism. That's likely what he meant anyway.


I tried the treadmill from my mom, since it was cold outside. It fueled up my dislike for gyms and similar devices. A treadmill is loud, boring, not natural, and it seems to have poor ergonomics. You watch the counter instead of having your shoulders back and your face forward. The floor is hard, which may not be great. See my barefoot article.

As a concept, I am all for the gym, but I prefer walking. I want to try boxing. It may give me the same feeling, although I have to try first. I will walk outside next time even if it is that cold.


I got ideas for a new format of posts for the website. This won't be public for a while, and I am not sure of I will pursue it yet.

It is crazy how much better your creativity gets if you allow your mind to be bored sometimes.


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